Hands to Heal Massage Therapy - Deep Tissue Release or Remedial Massage
Monetary Value / Massage Minutes
$45/30min $60/45min $90/60min $120/90min
Deep Tissue Release massage works by physically breaking down adhesion's. Adhesion's can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement and inflammation. To do this the massage therapist uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles to relieve pain and restore normal movement.
Remedial massage is the methodological assessment and treatment of the body’s muscles, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues in order to aid in the rehabilitation and the management of pain or injury on any of the body parts. Take note that the science of remedial massage involves an assessment procedure prior to the actual treatment. In this scenario, there is a diagnosis of what application will be performed to a specific area of focus.
Hands to Heal Massage Therapy - Complete Body Wellness