Auscarts Cancellation Voucher for MAZ Group


161054 Voucher for paying deposit prior to cancellation of booking.
Amelie Drummond

  • Expires: 36 months after purchase date
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Booking was Cancelled on the 16th of November 2023. Paid the deposit amount $1080.00 for the event mini sprint plus(20 drivers) and is rescheduling the booking but does not have a date just yet.
Auscarts Indoor Racing
50 Salmon Street
Port Melbourne
VIC 3207
Tel: (03) 9646 6015

Sunday to Thursday: 10am to 10pm
Friday & Saturday 10am to 10pm
Auscarts Voucher credit is valid for 3 years
Can be used towards any booking with Auscarts Racing 50 salmon street Port Melbourne 3207